The Top Speed Award will go to the best speed-mod per category of increase in aircraft speed as demonstrated by pre- and post- mod flight test data.

Top Speed Award Categories

Top Aerodynamic Speedster: This award is for the best speed-mod of aerodynamic experimentation, corresponding to the lift or drag improvements of the mod.

Top Power Speedster: This award is for the best speed-mod of pure power or power-plant improvement, corresponding to the increase in speed associated with a mod.

Top Overall Speedster: This award is for the best overall speed-modification.

All categories will be rated 1-5 (5 best) based on:

  1. Modification build quality - overall build quality, tooling ingenuity, etc.

  2. Modification effort - work accomplished over time

  3. Test precision - repeatability, statistical relevance, of flight test data

  4. Difficulty - level of build, scope of modification, etc.


Each award is broken into 4 individual parts, each worth 5 points, making the total award score a maximum of 20 points. The project with the highest total points wins that award.

Each judge will rate each candidate on the criteria below. The scores will be tallied and the candidate with the highest overall score will win Best Experimenter. Any tie will be settled by the head judge.

In the likely event that the Top Overall Speedster winner also wins an individual category, the next highest score in that category will win the category award.